CANIS Cleanses: 369 Liver Rescue Cleanse Cohort (without consult)
CANIS Cleanses: 369 Liver Rescue Cleanse Cohort (without consult)
What is this cleanse all about?
CANIS Cleanses are a ritual of coming home to your truth. The intention behind this 9 day journey is to help you facilitate a deeper connection between your body & mind.
Through the cleanse, you will explore different aspects of yourself and reexamine the relationship you have to vices. You'll come out feeling lighter and more deeply connected to your spirit.
The cleanse plan we will follow is called the 369 Liver Rescue Cleanse, made popular by Anthony Williams. Every time I complete this cleanse, I am deeply inspired by the profound mental and physical health effects and the change in my overall perspective on life.
We do this cleanse in a group. I believe this cleanse is best done with a cohort of individuals to connect, converse and encourage each other. This 9 day period has the power to reawaken parts of yourself to cultivate an authentic sense of self.
Start Date: Monday January 11-Tuesday January 19
Overview of the 369 Liver Rescue Cleanse
This Cleanse is a gentle and safe way to pull out the toxins that are burdening your liver so it can effectively eliminate existing or incoming troublemakers—viruses, bacteria, chemicals and metals—before they make you sick. You can repeat the cleanse as many times and as often as you'd like. Unlike some cleanses, this cleanse is not about restricting food and you will not be hungry on this cleanse.
The cleanse is broken up into 3 parts:
Days 1-3 are a chance to ease into the cleanse and prepare your liver to release old accumulated toxins.
Days 4-6 are the prime days of cleaning the liver, we avoid all radical fats on these days, the liver is using all of its energy to clean and heal at this point in the cleanse.
Days 7-9 are the moment your liver has been waiting for its whole life. The liver is unburdened and your moon reflects that--these days are where the life epiphanies begin to happen. The liver is releasing old toxins it's been holding on to for years and deep regenerative healing is taking place.
Snapshot of foods that regularly appear on the cleanse:
Lemon water
Celery juice
Liver Rescue Smoothie
Liver Rescue Salad
Vegetable curries
Spinach soup
brussel sprouts & asparagus
CANIS Cleanse January Cohort
Start Date: Monday January 11th-Tuesday January 19th
Option 1: $100 to be apart of the cohort (details outlined below)
Option 2: $150 to be a member of the cleanse cohort (details outlined below) + 30-minute CANIS Nutrition consultation post cleanse
What do you get?
Sunday January 10th Opening evening Zoom meet & greet, Intro to the cleanse and Live Q & A.
Outline of the cleanse, what to eat, when, recipes, etc.
Grocery Shopping Lists
List of equipment and links
Closed Facebook group to ask question, connect with others on the cleanse and offer support
Healthy coping mechanisms to support behavior change
Mindfulness Chat & Meditation with Phil Kruetzer mid cleanse
Meditation soundscape downloads from Luna Maye to encourage nervous system regulation during the cleanse
Access to boxing class with Sharon Kim to move excess emotions during the cleanse
Virtual Group Breathwork session on Tuesday January 19th (last evening of the cleanse) to support emotional release on the cleanse
Additional Zoom support call to transition from the cleanse to everyday life
““Our society has devalued the sacredness of cleansing to push ideal body image, conditioned messaging of shame and disempowerment to keep us small. CANIS Cleanses are here to change that.”
— Cami Wolff
CANIS Cleanse PDF will be sent on Sunday January 3rd
Frequently Asked Questions
How will I know what to buy? And how much will the ingredients cost?
You will receive a grocery and equipment list. Ingredients for the 9 days will cost between $250-$350 depending on where you shop, how much you eat & if you choose to buy organic.
I hear a lot of people saying cleanses are useless because you gain weight back afterwards, why is this different?
This cleanse focusses on healing the liver, weight loss is a byproduct of being on the cleanse, but it is not the focus. When the liver is not overburdened with toxins it has the ability to cleanse and regenerate cells in the body more optimally, this supports weight loss. This cleanse supports getting to the root cause of dis-ease and will be a great jump start into feeling clear, confident and connected.
Will I have to be near a bathroom for 9 days? (If you get my gist)
This cleanse encourages the release of toxins through your bowel movements. Everybody will react differently, if you are someone who struggles with digestion, you will find relief on this cleanse AND I recommend being near a bathroom when you are on or off the cleanse. I have brought many people through this cleanse and I have yet to have someone poo their pants, but there are no guarantees in life.
What is the deal with celery juice?
Read about it here. Read about my journey with celery juice here.
Do I need a juicer?
No, if you have a blender you will be able to make the juices as well. Here is a tutorial on how to make celery juice in a blender.
What happens if I can’t find an ingredient listed?
Ask in the group and I will provide a substitution. For starters, if you are unable to find frozen dragon fruit or the powder online, I recommend subbing frozen cherries.
Do I have to give up caffeine?
Yes, it is recommended. There is rhyme and reason to everything on the cleanse. Caffeine is dehydrating and the purpose of this cleanse is to allow the liver to stop releasing adrenaline, caffeine inhibits this process. I recommend weaning off caffeine prior to the cleanse, that being said I’ve gone cold turkey every time and I’ve been fine. I drink about 100 mg of caffeine daily and have not experienced any side effects besides being slightly foggy the first couple of days. It did not affect my efficiency at work.